Francesca Beerle is providing topclass Astrology services in the Gstaad region. To totally protect privacy and execute absolute descretion, private sessions are exclusively held directly in the Chalet or Hotel of the client. During the last 20 years Francesca has been serving a vast number of the most illustrious international families in the area.
My understanding of Astrology
To my personal knowledge no diagnostic instrument for personality development will show you as precisely your individual skills, trouble and destiny like psychological astrology can. A horoscope will not only reveal tasks, but also their solutions. A competent psychological astrologist will in short order perceive the difficulties of a client and will make a proposal for solution bespoke to personal constitution.
But also for individuals who don’t need any kind of therapeutic help, an engagement with astrology will be useful. Through occupation with his horoscope, everybody can discover and also utilize realms of his personality of whose existence he would maybe never had guessed. Astrology can give deeper meaning to life (not meant as a substitute for religion). Correctly understood and developed mental astrology will help an individual to find his proper position in the world and to be able to cope with himself and others.
But also for individuals who don’t need any kind of therapeutic help, an engagement with astrology will be useful. Through occupation with his horoscope, everybody can discover and also utilize realms of his personality of whose existence he would maybe never had guessed. Astrology can give deeper meaning to life (not meant as a substitute for religion). Correctly understood and developed mental astrology will help an individual to find his proper position in the world and to be able to cope with himself and others.
Private Astrology sessions
Francesca's private Astrology sessions take place in the Chalets of her clients or in their Hotel. To provide a professional service, she will need your date, exact time and place of birth in advance. Standard sessions last 1.5 hours, longer sessions for deeper evaluation of specific issues are possible.
Cost of 1.5 h session: 240 CHF Please call for an appointement: 033 744 51 37 |
Astrology Sessions by telephone
Many of Francesca's international clients even seek her advice when they are not in Gstaad. To existing clients Francesca will provide telephone sessions of 30 and 60 minutes.
Cost of 30 min. session: 90 CHF Please call for an appointement: 033 744 51 37 |
About Francesca
Since more than 20 years Franziska - or "Francesca", as her english speaking clients usually call her - is astrologer, therapist and holistic coach in Gstaad, consulting and healing clients from all over the world. Her private sessions in Gstaad normaly take place directly in the Chalets of her clients or in the Hotels they are staying in.
Strongly specialised in healing physical or mental sorrow, Francesca has developped her very own method using and mixing techniques and tools of the unnumerous disciplines she has studied and executed during the 30 years of her highly successful professional carreer, such as Yoga, gimnastics, sports therapy, breathing therapy, systemic therapy and psychological astrology.
Besides her work in Gstaad, Francesca gives speeches and seminaries all over Switzerland.
Strongly specialised in healing physical or mental sorrow, Francesca has developped her very own method using and mixing techniques and tools of the unnumerous disciplines she has studied and executed during the 30 years of her highly successful professional carreer, such as Yoga, gimnastics, sports therapy, breathing therapy, systemic therapy and psychological astrology.
Besides her work in Gstaad, Francesca gives speeches and seminaries all over Switzerland.
Franziska Beerle
Health Coaching
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© Franziska Beerle 2023